There's tym when 2 people argue to something.
I happened to argue with my mom over something dat for me its a big deal and not to her...and it end up pretty bad...or maybe worse.
Its not dat I hate her opinion, but I think she's too easy over something dat might give us harm in the future...and I think its better to get rid of dat 'something' before things get even worse. Prevention is better than cure, rite?!
Sometimes we need different opinion, its good to have something else in others mind dat we didnt think of before.
Today, I keep thinking dat maybe her thinking and my thinking is different due to our age, education background and our experience dealing with world today...In her mind, the world is one safe place where everybody are kind and there is no evil... Not for me, I always keep cautious to my surrounding...cause I travelled alot, I knew how people outside nowadays...You can count with fingers how many people you meet outside dat you can trust 100%.
Can I trust you?